At Smokes 4 Less, we are proud to serve as an authorized LCA by Privada Cigar Club dealer, offering exclusive access to some of the rarest and most sought-after cigars in the world. You can find these limited-edition releases at our Marist, Wappingers Superstore, Hopewell, Fishkill, LaGrange, and New Windsor locations. The Limited Cigar Association (LCA), created by Privada Cigar Club in 2020, is dedicated to reviving the brick-and-mortar cigar experience by providing rare, meticulously crafted cigars in limited quantities. Each month, a new cigar is released, showcasing superior craftsmanship, unique blends, and exceptional quality, all for $14 each. These cigars are available the first Friday of every month, so be sure to visit us regularly to get your hands on the latest LCA masterpiece!